Registered Under MSME
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Developed Projects

Developed Projects

iEmbed8 is a comprehensive technology company specializing in the development of innovative software solutions and hardware products. We offer a range of services, including the creation of cutting-edge tools, traditional software applications, and web-based applications. Our team focuses on tackling real-world challenges and developing solutions that improve daily life experiences. Additionally, iEmbed8 provides valuable services for both software and hardware development projects. We develop our projects in four platforms Android, Windows, Web and Embedded. Our satisfied clients project are here below...


Website Development-
  • Static Websites
  • Dynamic Websites
  • IoT based Websites
App Development-
  • Basic Apps
  • Server handled Apps
Windows Development-
  • Basic Windows packages
  • IoT based Windows packages
Embedded Development-
  • Industry Projects (Hardware and Software)
  • College Projects (CS/IT/EN/EC)
  • Technical Support
  • System Maintainance like Formating, Antivirus
  • Repairing (Mobile & PC / Software & Hardware)
Website Development-
  • Static Websites
  • Dynamic Websites
  • IoT based Websites
App Development-
  • Basic Apps
  • Server handled Apps
Windows Development-
  • Basic Windows packages
  • IoT based Windows packages
Embedded Development-
  • Industry Projects (Hardware and Software)
  • College Projects (CS/IT/EN/EC)
  • Technical Support
  • System Maintainance like Formating, Antivirus
  • Repairing (Mobile & PC / Software & Hardware)


  • On call free technical support for AMC
  • On client demand Software/Hardware
  • New and innovative college projects
  • Fast home delievery
  • Qualitative product
  • Low pricing
  • And many more...


Recent Projects

Our recent projects are listed below...


iRegister (Android)

Android app which is ulternate of Attendance Register Published : December 21, 2015

iRegister is an Android Mobile Application, Which can be used in place of Attendance Register. It is "An Ultimate Solution Of Attendance Register". iRegister is for institutional purpose and specially for teachers. Any teacher can take attendance by just some clicks, share attendance online using weblink or email, stores attendane in your sdcard and Google Drive, can export in many format like excel csv, send students irregularity report to there parents on mobile in form of SMS and many more.
Verification Code : DEMO

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iDistrict (Android)

Android app for UPGoverment site Published : December 21, 2015

The basic idea of iDistrict comes after knowing problem of goverment site
This site is compatible with only Internet Explorer which runs on Windows systems only. So, Not works on Android OS and Goverment distributed tablet PC (Android) to verify authority to verify but site is not compatible to chrome or other browser which runs under Android plateform. Then we developed An Android App which runs on Android plateform and can support



Twil - Blue (Windows)

TwilBlue adjust brightness of windows system. It prevents your eyes and save your battery. Published : December 21, 2015

TwilBlue is windows Application which is similar to android app Twilight or Bluelight Filter app. If you have no display drivers and want to adjust brightness or save battery of your windows laptop, Then TwilBlue is helpful to you.
Features :
